We Make Outdoor Advertising In Boston A Breeze

We Specialize In Pedicab Based Out Of Home Advertising In Boston

Boston is the City of Champions, and if you are looking to get your out of home marketing campaign to a championship level then this is the city for you to get on a winning streak in. Pedicab advertising is an Eco-friendly advertising solution that puts some motion in your campaigns. Compared to other transportation options we are a clean fueled option that requires no fossil fuels, our pedicabs are powered by the human spirit and the physical energy of our drivers.

Because our unique form of locomotion and small physical footprint, we can go where other forms of advertising cannot. Our pedicabs can maneuver their way through busy streets, making traffic less of an obstacle for us and our riders. We have a wide variety of out of home marketing solutions for your brand’s campaigns. Our free ride campaigns and branded sponsorships are just a small sampling of what we offer to our marketing partners. We will help you bring your marketing vision to reality and get your message out to the streets of Boston.

Are you looking for outdoor advertising opportunities in more cities than just Boston? Contact our nationwide partners at
Pedicab United to get your multi city campaign started.

What Makes Our Boston Pedicabs Stand Out

Why should you choose Midnight Riders Boston Pedicabs? What makes us stand out? Our pedicab based marketing platform stands above the crowd and stays standing out in the world of out of home advertising for many reasons. The biggest reason is a simple one though:

Our People.

Midnight Riders Boston Pedicabs drivers lease their trike from us and then head to the historic streets of Boston on a mission to take riders where they need to go. These drivers have one goal: to move people around Boston in a safe, friendly, comfortable, and stylish way. What the drivers earn is based on the events they are serving, and the rates can surge during major events. During our branded outdoor advertising campaigns, the drivers are paid a premium to ensure that representing your brand at the highest level is their top priority while also keeping them excited to be involved with your campaign.

We respect the economic realities of our drivers, which means paying them appropriately. This allows us to attract and retain the best and most motivated pedicab drivers in Boston. You can be assured that our drivers will be working hard to provide riders with the highest level of service as they represent your brand. Our drivers have an unmatched professionalism that keeps riders and our advertising partners happy. You can take comfort in the knowledge that your brand is in excellent hands when you have our drivers representing your company as brand ambassadors during your outdoor advertising campaign.

What Are Our Boston Pedicab Branded Sponsorships?

Special events often seek out additional revenue streams to keep their events growing and profitable. Sponsorships are one of the most popular ways for these events to add to their revenue and they are often looking for opportunities to make sponsorship deals. Sponsorships are proven for driving revenue growth for events, and they are a two way relationship help both the event and sponsor to grow. Corporate sponsors benefit from relationships with event organizers by gaining access to the targets demographics of their events.

Boston is a spectacular city for these kind of branded sponsorships. With events and sports, along with a thriving city nightlife, a high visibility for any campaign in ensured. Pedicab based sponsorships for are excellent for the event as well, increasing the amount of time visitors spend on location and not feeling rushed to beat traffic or ride share surges.

Outdoor marketing and transportation is a combination that has long proven successful. Events have taken advantage of this in the past by partnering with buses, shuttles, free car rides, and more. Transportation and advertising go hand in hand. Pedicabs offer a unique opportunity because they can go where other forms of transportation cannot go, while also giving a personal experience for riders. This personal experience allows us to represent your brand in a way that a visual ad alone could never achieve.

Our pedicabs are transportation that adds a friendly, professional, and personal touch. We give a memorable experience to riders, along with a chance for some fantastic views. Instead of having to cram into a shuttle or taxi, riders are taken on an open air ride while a friendly driver is representing your brand. Riders will remember this experience, and it helps to build a relationship between them and your brand rather than just the typical marketing impression. Our business is the building of personal relationships between people and brands.

Our sponsorship opportunities include Free Ride campaigns, which create a massive marketing impact, or you can just wrap our pedicabs in your advertising for a simple mobile billboard type experience. Our platform ensures that our sponsors are given the option to get their brand in front of their audience during your event, which in turn means generating revenue.

We even provide you with materials to pitch your sponsors, though the best pitch is letting us take them for a ride!

“Free Ride” Campaigns

For companies that are looking to truly build a lasting relationship with customers, they should consider spending their a portion of their advertising budget on one of our “Free Ride” campaigns. These free ride campaigns are an outdoor marketing opportunity where we provide you with an experiential outdoor marketing platform that will make sure that your brand’s advertising is not only noticed, but that our riders will leave with a sense of gratitude and a relationship with your brand. This combination of a free ride and the experience or drivers give to riders is an excellent solution for generating brand loyalty. These free rides can be from a specific location to a destination of the riders choosing, or a more targeted activation that is designed to being visitors directly to and from your business or event.

In the course of these free ride campaigns, Midnight Riders Boston Pedicab’s drivers will be acting as ambassadors for your brand. Our drivers will work hard to deliver your messaging using more than just the advertising wrapping their pedicab, but also verbally, or by handing out any combination of marketing materials and samples, and by helping to create buzz on social media. Even people who choose not to take a ride on our pedicabs will see your ads and associate your brand with the generosity of the free ride offer.

We don’t want to just make mere ad impressions, we want to make deep and lasting connections.

Out Of Home Advertising During Boston Special Events

Boston is a landmark American city, both in history and in our modern world. With iconic sports teams that have lead to the nickname The City of Champions, Boston is a popular destination for sports fans to visit. More than sports happen in Boston though, and this city has millions of visitors every year coming for our sights, our history, colleges, and events that make their home here.

During those special events, our pedicabs are the perfect way to reach those crowds with your marketing. With our pedicabs acting as a small army of mobile billboards that also double as an up close and personal form of advertisement, you can reach your target audience effortlessly. If you have an audience you are trying to access with your marketing, Boston is sure to have a special event of attraction that will appeal to them and draw them to this spectacular city.

Midnight Riders Boston Pedicabs will often work closely with event producers for out of home marketing sponsorship opportunities. However; if your are looking for service at an event that has not partnered with us, you can still take advantage of our outdoor advertising platform to get your message out. If you are seeking a single day activation, to service a whole sports season, or advertise, pass out samples and marketing any other Boston event; we are here to craft a special event outdoor advertising package to meet your goals.

Here is a list of just a few of the events that make their home in Boston. Give it a look and let your imagination free as you dream up how you can use our pedicab advertising platform to reach your audience. Then, reach out to contact us and make your marketing dreams come true!