Make Your Mark With Fenway Park Outdoor Advertising In Boston

boston out of home advertising

In the picture above, you can see one of our pedicabs sitting in front of one of the most iconic locales in Boston: Fenway Park. What is missing from this image is your brand’s advertising covering that pedicab as it takes riders all around the area in a convenient and environmentally friendly fashion. Thousands of visitors flock to Fenway Park and its surrounding area every day, and every one of those eyes could be on your outdoor advertising as it rides through the area to bring people to and from their destinations. If you are looking for a prime location for your brand to be seen in Boston, this is the place! Midnight Riders Boston Pedicabs will get your outdoor marketing rolling through these iconic Boston streets.

Be A Part Of Boston Sports History At Fenway Park

Out of home marketing in Boston does not need to be complicated. The platform that Midnight Riders Boston Pedicab offers lets you reach more people, in a way that does not just fade into the background in the way that traditional outdoor marketing does. Our pedicab advertising stands out, we have kinetic energy that billboards do not and a personal touch that connects brands and riders. Our pedicab marketing is not just a passive advertising experience, it is a truly experiential and interactive platform.

Food and drink brands can provide refreshments to parade watchers and people celebrating. Clothing companies, restaurants, or any other brand are also be able to benefit from our unique outdoor advertising platform during at Fenway Park

Our friendly pedicab drivers ambassadors for your brand, give your pitch to riders, and can answer questions about your product. Our drivers can also put a sample of your product (or coupons, physical marketing materials, etc) directly into the eager hands of your future customers.

Find out more, get a quote, and give our Boston pedicab advertising platform a try!

Fenway Park Is A Home Run Outdoor Advertising Opportunity

Pedicab Advertising in Boston at Fenway Park is a great use of your company’s advertising budget any time of year.

Our “Free Ride” campaigns let you offer complimentary pedicab service to attendees of the games and events at Fenway. Riders will remember your brand for the generosity of the free ride, and for letting them safely travel across town while still enjoying a few drinks. During the ride, our professional and friendly drivers will pitch your brand and offer marketing materials or samples to riders!

This sentiment of generosity is at the heart of Midnight Rider’s philosophy. We don’t want to just make advertising impressions for your brand, we want to make a lasting connection between brands and consumers.